TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Why are you wanting 555s?
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Subject Re: Why are you wanting 555s?
Posted by james92se on May 13, 2015 at 11:38 AM
  This message has been viewed 349 times.
In Reply To Why are you wanting 555s? posted by BlackholeZ on May 13, 2015 at 11:22 AM
Message Well my FWD transmission won't hardly handle (long term) over 400 hp anyway and I'm not like a RWD platform where in the future I will be tempted to keep adding power. I'll pretty much immediately always be maxed out at my car's practical limit. I just assumed the 740's would be overkill and cost significantly more money. Although I see now they aren't more money.

Now I must ask, are the 740's sold by SpecialtyZ confirmed brand new? I see that it doesn't specifically state they are new. Both SpecialtyZ and Z1 sell the 740's for about $900 and I do not understand how they can sell them for $900 when all the dealers I'm seeing online are double that price.

Neither SpecialtyZ or Z1 state their 740's are new. I assume that if they were indeed new that both sellers would indicate that?

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